Art History Social Hour


Location: Room 200, Riley Hall of Art & Design

Art History Social Hour (Pizza & Studies Abroad)
Thursday, Oct 25, 5:30-7:00  Riley 200

Come to our first Art History evening! 

There will be pizza, and drinks, and joviality, and planning for future fun!

There will be several short presentations on the marvels of studying abroad!

There will not be funny hats . . . . this time . . . .

Art History first & second majors and minors are invited to attend the year's first Art History social hour.  After eating pizza and catching up with each other, we'll hear from three students about their time doing a study abroad, where they went, and what they saw, and why they recommend it.  Following this at 7:00 pm is a lecture in the Annenberg Auditorium by the Associate Curator of the MCA for those who are interested.