Riley Prize and BA Show Submissions Deadlines

Author: Heather Rhoda

Riley Prize in Art History and Criticism

The RILEY PRIZE was established by Radwan and Allan Riley to be awarded by the Department of Art, Art History and Design in recognition of a distinguished essay in art history or art criticism written by a Notre Dame Student.  

Monday, March 21st is the deadline to submit essays for the Riley Prize in Art History and Criticism. Bring essays to 306 Riley Hall by 4:00pm. 

Rules and Information about the Riley Prize


The deadline for submissions for the MFA / BFA Show are due Monday, March 21st in the Snite Museum by 3:00pm.

BA Show

For the BA SHOW art studio and design students have the opportunity to win the Father Anthony J. Lauck Award. 

Friday, March 25th is the deadline for student submissions for the annual BA Show. Bring works to the Isis Gallery by 3:00pm.

BA Show Award Entry Form