Julia Ro helps explain price of gas with info graphic published on NPR website

Author: Lonnie Atkinson

After obtaining her BA in Graphic Design in Fall 2011, Julia Ro accepted an internship at NPR in Washington D.C. She has been creating numerous graphics to accompany stories for the Editorial Team and searching for photos and building galleries for the Multimedia Team. But this time the infographic is the story—complete with a designer's credit at the bottom. This is only after two months on the job as an intern.
Julia finished her degree in graphic design early but still chose to make her last semester a "mini-thesis" project. She structured her last term around animals at risk of extinction and created a series of posters explaining the situation for different species with data-driven graphics and imagery. Much of the work centered around gathering the information and obtaining permission to use accurate imagery from National Geographic.
See you at Spring graduation Julia!

Julia Ro